Friday, June 06, 2008

East Midland Speakers with WebJam

I signed up to Webjam a week ago. You won't see anything terrific on my personal webjam but that wasn't the main reason that I joined.

Webjam does what I had hoped Google Sites would do. It offers a collaborative system using modules and themes which enables a group to build and maintain a website.

And it works.

I've created the East Midlands Speakers Club website using Webjam, with a blog and bulletin on the front page. I've been able to add a Google map showing the location of our meetings and also a Google calendar.

Because of the faffy way Google goes about things, I couldn't just drop and drag a calendar. I had to copy the code and paste it into the html, but Webjam still made that process easy.

Parts of the website can be limited to group members, which might have its uses.

Two members of our club have signed up as co-editors. I just need some information to write up now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, this is Sonia from the Webjam team. I randomly stumbled on your blog and it is really cool to hear you found Webjam suited to your needs. I thought you might be interested to know that there is another Toastmaster group on Webjam, from the other side of the pond :) . If you want to check it out:
Rolls Royce Toastmasters of Indianapolis
